St. Petersburg Intersection Accident Lawyer

Intersection accidents are some of the most destructive and devastating types of car crashes. Collisions at intersections include head-on crashes, rollover accidents, and side-impact crashes. These types of collisions have a high risk of causing catastrophic injuries and wrongful death. 

The St. Petersburg intersection accident lawyers of Perenich, Caulfield, Avril & Noyes Personal Injury Lawyers have over three centuries of collective experience handling personal injury cases. In the decades since opening our firm in 1955, we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in jury verdicts and settlements. 

If you were injured in a car accident, contact our law firm at (727) 796-8282 to request a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys in Florida.

How Our St. Petersburg Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You After an Intersection Crash

How Our St. Petersburg Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You After an Intersection Crash

Car accident cases can require substantial resources to pursue. The investigations can be time-consuming, and you may need expert witnesses to assist with the case. Additionally, insurance companies will try to avoid paying your claim. 

You need a trusted legal advocate on your side to protect your best interests. Our St. Petersburg personal injury attorneys can even the playing field between you and the insurer. We will use our considerable experience, skills, and resources to pursue the maximum compensation available for your personal injury claim. 

When you hire Perenich, Caulfield, Avril & Noyes Personal Injury Lawyers to handle your case, you can expect us to:

  • Perform a thorough accident investigation to identify the factors that led to the collision
  • Gather evidence to support a negligence claim 
  • File a claim with the insurance company and manage the claim 
  • Consult medical experts, accident reconstructionists, and other experts in St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Work with you and your physicians to document your injuries 
  • Negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party 
  • Prepare to file a personal injury lawsuit if the other parties refuse to negotiate a fair settlement

We offer free case evaluations. Contact our law office to discuss your case with a St. Petersburg car accident lawyer. Learn more about how we can help you recover compensation for your financial losses and other damages.

Causes of Intersection Crashes in St. Petersburg 

Over two million intersection accidents occur each year in the United States. That represents about 40 percent of the total crashes each year. According to the statistics, in 2019, there were 312,317 crashes at intersections in the State of Florida. 

The causes of intersection accidents often involve driver negligence. Common factors that contribute to intersection accidents in St. Petersburg include:

In addition to driver error, dangerous roads such as poorly designed intersections and malfunctioning traffic lights may also cause an intersection crash. Confusing signs and markings could also contribute to the cause of an accident. 

Intersection Accidents Can Cause Catastrophic Injuries

Collisions at intersections can result in severe injuries. They often involve multiple vehicles, and sometimes involve high speeds. 

These accidents are known to cause:

Accident victims who suffer serious injuries may incur significant medical bills and lost wages. In addition, they may experience debilitating pain and suffering. Under Florida’s personal injury laws, an injured person may seek compensation after an intersection accident by filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. 

However, to file a lawsuit against another driver, your injuries must meet the serious injury threshold under Florida’s no-fault insurance laws. Otherwise, you will have to rely on your PIP insurance for compensation. Do not rely on the insurance company to tell you whether you meet this threshold. Instead, it is best to discuss your case with an experienced car accident lawyer.

Compensation for St. Petersburg Intersection Accidents 

If another driver caused your injuries, you deserve fair compensation for the damages caused by the accident. 

You may receive economic damages, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Cost of personal care and nursing care
  • Loss of income and benefits
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Assistance with household chores
  • Travel expenses to medical appointments 

In addition to financial losses, you may also receive compensation for non-economic damages. These damages include:

  • Disabilities and impairments
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional distress

The value of your injury claim depends on several factors. The severity of your injuries may increase the value of your damages. However, if you contributed to the cause of the intersection accident, your compensation could be reduced under Florida’s contributory fault law.

Other Common Auto Accidents in St. Petersburg We Handle

At Perenich, Caulfield, Avril & Noyes Personal Injury Lawyers we handle all types of car wrecks, including:

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Car Crash Lawyers in St. Petersburg

Were you injured in an intersection accident in Pinellas County? If so, you could recover money for a personal injury claim. Call now for your free consultation with one of our Florida car accident attorneys. We’re standing by to discuss your claim.